Report Date: November 15, 2006
this time of year offer’s a great chance to be able to complete a south Florida billfish slam that’s a swordfish and a sailfish in the same trip!,here in Miami we have a good shot at success, we started out that day at 1:00 p.m. to get some bait’s for the night ahead,
as I got in position Alex set the lines and started the first drift after 20 min Daryl was on with his sailfish a nice trophy fish Alex told Darryl that fish is all over the place Darryl screamed
in 30 min later we boated the first of the two billfish,later on about 4:45 p.m. we started to
get the rod’s ready for sword fishing are first drift we waited and waited by the time we got to 1100 feet we finally got our first bite! get ready I told Darryl as reel tight after 30 second’s he got off i reset the drift in the same area up current and got the bite in 15 min later after a 1 hour fight we got a nice 100lb boat side!!
if you want to go swordfishing call 305 773 2282
thank’s Ralph