Miami beach sailfish bite’s hot!!
Report Date: November 9, 2008

As I walked out the door that morning I told Alex feel that dry crisp dry air a cold front blew through the night before. N.E. winds at 15 knots is ideal here in South Florida with sails starting to move in on up and down the edge bait fish
hiding in seaweed and floating debris. Once we set the spread out i put four lines in with four live baits
on the outriggers siting in the current we spotted some man of war birds on the water,heading are way ito our client’s
get ready it wasn’t ten minutes pass that the first out of two sails that day ate our long bait after a 45 minute battle on 20 Lb test we had a trophy sailfish on the deck my client’s stoked on such a beautiful day deep sea fishing in miami beach here aboard the seacrossII
thanks capt rafael mayans 305 773 2282