Miami Beach Offshore Fishing
Miami Beach Offshore Fishing

Report Date: August 24, 2020

When we booked the 1/2 day Fishing trip aboard the Sea Cross, the Kuzma family wanted to catch a few different types of fish. They’ve never been deep-sea fishing in the Atlantic, especially fishing in the Gulf Stream, which is 2 miles away from my dock. So we headed out. It wasn’t long before we had a few nice Kingfish. We kept moving north picking up a few bonito and blackfin tuna. It’s nice to be able to catch mahi-mahi in less than 5 miles away. As we moved north, we decided to head a little bit further offshore we didn’t even hit 500 feet of water before we had our first mahi-mahi on. After catching a few of those, he hooked up with a couple of Barracuda. It’s really nice to be able to do a half-day fishing trip and catch a ride to your fish offshore and reef fish. Also, I was so happy to see my customers come back in with the crew happy and excited with their catch.

Miami Beach Fishing

“Only on the Sea Cross”

Tight lines and stay safe.

Capt. Ralph
Cell: 305-773-2282