Father And Daughter Trip Produces Blue Marlin

Father And Daughter deep sea fishing Trip
Report Date: July 10, 2020

We were at the dock Sunday afternoon when I get a call from an old customer of mine named Robert McCreary of New York. He’s gone out fishing a few times with us and he was heading down on a short notice with his daughter. They were just getting away, doing a father and daughter deep sea fishing trip. So we booked a half-day for Tuesday morning of that week. A half-day fishing charter provides us with plenty of time to be able to get to the gulf stream and look for mahi-mahi, wahoo, tuna, sailfish, and the occasional blue marlin?

The day started like normal on the third reef trolling south and 125 feet of water using bonita strips and fresh caught ballyhoo on extra strength 9/0 hooks. This is usually what we fish with. Within the hour we had a few bonitas and a kingfish in the boat. When we deep-sea fish Miami Beach, we usually have a six rod spread, two ballyhoos and two teasers with birds and feathers on our outriggers and always fishing with planers on braid. After fishing the reef for about an hour, we were just far enough down south in front of Key Biscayne so we start heading offshore looking for weed lines, birds and debris.

On our way back north we were just in front of what we call the double diamonds off Miami Beach. In 800 feet of water, we started catching a few schoolie dolphin. As Captain Peter starts heading down the rip he notices a bird sitting with seems to be a sandal. So he went ahead and made a long turn on it to pass by. As he made this long sweeping turn the right long ballyhoo started to submerge under the water, and that’s when all hell broke loose.

A beautiful 350 pound blue marlin eats the ballyhoo and start ripping off line on or 30 wide Penn International reel. We pack these reels with over 500 yards of 40 pound Ande mono – my line of choice. And before you know it, Robert is fighting a fish of a lifetime and his daughter is right behind him videotaping this epic battle right in front of Miami Beach, South Beach and within a clear view of Key Biscayne just to the south of that.

It was unbelievable the amount of jumps this fish made during the 45 minute battle. We finally got the fish boat-side and landed on the leader with beautiful pictures right next to the boat. We always release these epic fish. Blue marlin are a rare catch off Miami, and that’s what makes them such a special moment in one’s anglers career. Even more special was the was because it was done on a father and daughter charter fishing trip. A trip they will never forget.

“Only on the Sea Cross”

Tight lines and stay safe.

Capt. Ralph
Cell: 305-773-2282