Deep Dropping For Tilefish And Mako Sharks

Big shark released off Miami.
Report Date: March 3, 2014

We’ve been having good success on our 3/4 and full day charters. Being able to fish the Gulf Stream off Miami is awesome. This is the time of year when mako sharks push through our area. Lately, we’ve also been deep dropping in 650 ft. of water for tilefish. When deep dropping for tilefish, we use a 4 hook chicken rigs, with 9/0 circle hooks, on a 200 pound main line and 80 lb. branches. As for bait, we are using fresh bonito and squid. While deep dropping, we keep a shark bait deployed on a floating jug in case a mako shark shows-up. Using a small tilefish is the best bait for makos here in Miami. Remember, “a mako will swim a mile for a tile.”

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Capt Ralph
Cell: 305-773-2282