Report Date: January 30, 2022

Miami Beach doesn’t seem to be the place where you have to wear jackets and sweaters. But the winter weather brought by these passing cold fronts also triggers some amazing fishing. As you can see on this half-day fishing trip aboard the Sea Cross: mahi-mahi, tuna, and kingfish are starting to show up in abundance. The fish are congregating on the reefs between 80 and 150 feet of water. Aside from the aforementioned species, you will also find the star of the winter show – the sailfish. Sailfish are especially abundant during, and after, these passing cold fronts.

Now’s a great time to do some deep sea fishing here in Miami.

And like we always say, “Only on the Sea Cross.”

Tight lines and stay safe.
Cell: 305-773-2282

Cold Fronts Fishing

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