One of the most dependable species in wintertime are the wahoo. They are currently making a strong showing off our coast. Also making a good showing just before the full moon are blackfin tuna.
In the winter months, we usually get a good push of wahoo and blackfin tuna, and they are starting to show up now. The wahoo seem to be biting better in the morning, underneath floating debris, birds, and weed lines. The blackfin tuna bite has been more prevalent later in the afternoon.
There’s also a good pulse of kingfish in the area. The kingfish have biting sporadically throughout the daytime hours. We expect their presence and activity to increase in the coming weeks as we head into more springtime weather.

This is a great time of year to go deep sea fishing off Miami Beach. The cold fronts that come through can really turn the fishing red hot. Also on the horizon is spring when the bait migration starts heading south.
Tight lines and stay safe,
Capt. Ralph
Cell: 305-773-2282